Tracking Tokens

Bidvance tracking tokens parameters.

Tracking specific targeting is a key factor for improving your performance campaigns. With Bidvance technology you can track details from the sources, specific placement on the website, connection, isp and devices.


With tracking you can track the ID of the click/impression.


With campaignid you can track the performance by campaign and create powerful reports to guide your campaign optimizations.


With domainid you can track the performance of each website. You can blacklist the website who have a bad performance or create a whitelist campaign for the best websites. It’s also common to create a campaing for a specific domainid when the volume of traffic is relevant.


With spaceid you can identify the best specific placement inside a website. The placements have a huge impact in the performance.


With country parameter you can discover with campaigns are performing better. It’s specialy useful whe you launch a global ou continental campaigns.


With timestamp parameter you can understand when are your costumer buying and if you can target specific hours our days.


With adid you compare the performance of each ad. Analysing the performance by id with one of the most important factor tor get a better performance.


With ban size you can udertand with ad size are performing better and focus or split the best adsizes.


With admethod you gonna be able evaluate the best admethod of a specific campaign.

Media Buy Tip: 

Tracking the maximum parameters is important for you performance. Anyway depending how you use it the most important is to keep it pratical and with a relevant amount of traffic. Even you don’t have time or get lazy never forget to track at least the spacid and adid.


Start working with a smart ad network able to provide you a better performance.